Initial Registration:

The application process starts on December 15, 2023. To receive all relevant information about participation, please complete the initial registration by filling out the


What is the “100 Ideas for Cities” Hackathon?

The “100 Ideas for Cities” Hackathon is an initiative aimed at developing and implementing innovative architectural sketch solutions for the restoration of cities in Ukraine, primarily focusing on infrastructure.

The hackathon involves architectural bureaus from Ukraine and around the world, leading Ukrainian and international institutions of higher education in the fields of urban planning, architecture, construction, engineering, and more. Also, participating are cities providing technical tasks and initial data.

Within the hackathon, participants, based on technical tasks and initial data, develop and present projects for the restoration of specific urban areas, objects, and infrastructure. Winners will be selected through a competitive process.


Who are the project organizers?

IRS – a project for the restoration of Ukrainian cities, initiated as an official working group of 200 architects, has now transitioned into the realm of social entrepreneurship and undergone rebranding as “Innovations. Reconstruction. Society.”

Mayors’ Club Ukraine – a public organization registered and established in accordance with Ukrainian law in 2005. We are the only association of mayors in Ukraine seeking to contribute to the economic development of Ukraine, starting from each smallest community.

WZMH Architects – a leading architectural bureau from Canada, which has already implemented a series of hackathons in Ukraine under the patronage of the Ministry of Education, with partners such as Sparkbird, Kingspan, Autodesk, UA IT Hub, Stephenson Engineering, HRA, QUASAR consulting group, Bessant Pelech Associates Inc.

Thought – a Chilean architectural company with experience in rebuilding cities after destructive earthquakes, has already implemented a hackathon for the reconstruction of one of the most affected cities in Ukraine, involving dozens of international universities.


What will communities receive at the end of the project?

  • Receipt of innovative sketch projects for the restoration of affected areas, objects, and infrastructure.
  • Opportunity to implement the best reconstruction projects in the future (not part of the Hackathon).
  • Access to the best global practices in urban reconstruction and development.
  • Establishment of connections with the global community of future and current architects.
  • Promotion of information about your city globally.


How long will the Hackathon last?

Timeline: Submission of applications from cities: until January 15, 2024. On this day, jury members and selection criteria will be announced.

Submission of documentation from cities and signed project design tasks (sample attached): until February 15, 2024.

Submission of applications from universities and architectural companies: January 15, 2024 – February 15, 2024. Conducting an inaugural session for clarification of questions: February 16, 2024. Project development by teams: February 20, 2024 – April 15, 2024. Intermediate meeting/presentation of projects in progress: March 22, 2024.

Selection of winners:

  • Semifinal: April 28, 2024
  • Final: May 10, 2024 Announcement of the winner: Forum and presentation in Irpin: May 20, 2024


What projects will be developed within the Hackathon?

Social Infrastructure: Projects aimed at restoring essential social objects such as hospitals, schools, kindergartens, sports facilities, etc. Public Spaces: Parks, squares, spaces for youth and the elderly, cultural events, educational institutions, etc. Spatial Direction: Projects aimed at efficient use and optimization of urban space. Strategic development of the territorial community, city: industrial parks, economic initiatives, solutions, waste sorting lines, etc.

What is the last day to submit an application? Who is the contact person?

For communities, towns, and villages, the last day to submit an application is January 15, and the last day to submit documentation is February 15. Please send all documentation ONLY in one email to In the email, specify additional questions if any. The subject of the email is “The Name of the settlement”. Project name”. One email – one project. A community can submit a maximum of two applications. Further communication channels and the timing of the next expert session will be announced later. Contact person – Olena Yampolska (Chief Engineer of the Ukrainian Cities Restoration Project IRS).

How to submit documents from the community for participation?

The first step is to fill out the participation application  by January 15. 

By February 15, send a package of documents to the email with the filled and signed project design task (attached below) and the necessary documents (as per the task) in Ukrainian and (if possible English). We urge communities to start collecting initial information today. Additionally, on January 5, an expert session will be held to address difficulties in filling out the application and collecting initial data.


The design task and the list of required documents are available via the link

Also, all further daily news and communication will be provided via the Facebook page



  • Yurii Studoliak
    5 January, 2024

    Чи буде експерт- сесія 5 січня і якщо буде, то коли (посилання на підключення)?

  • Любов
    10 January, 2024

    Підскажіть будь ласка чи можна приймати участь сільським громадам?

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