Together with our strategic partners, Mayors’ Club and EoT Ukraine. we are starting to prepare for the implementation of a large-scale all-Ukrainian project Rebirth of the Nation – Municipal Economic Unions.

The Mayors’ Club is preparing to implement a comprehensive network of municipal-private sector partnerships across Ukraine in cooperation with our strategic Rebuild partner, EoT Ukraine. Our motto is, “Strong Municipalities = Strong Ukraine.”

International businesses see the potential of a free and prosperous Ukraine. But, in the midst of a war, they need assurances that Ukraine is prepared for the expected influx of investment. Economic unions can be a valuable tool for municipalities to improve their economic prospects. By joining together on a regional basis, Ukraine’s municipalities can more effectively channel new development.

These regional associations of mutual aid and cooperation will allow cities and towns to jointly plan infrastructure projects, to reduce costs, and to improve operational efficiency, to put their best foot forward.

Economic and political stability, sustainability, a commitment to the rule of law, business friendly regulations, state of the art infrastructure initiatives, logistics, economic diversity rooted in smart technology and green solutions – these are but a few of the competitive advantages that can be gained by working cooperatively.