The Mayors’ Club and UMEDA signed a memorandum with the
The Mayors’ Club and UMEDA signed a memorandum with the “AUU Analytical
Our agency is for profit enterprise designed to facilitate all needs of international companies that will play a critical role in Rebirth of Ukraine with support of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into Ukraine starting from the smallest municipality to Economic Unions of municipalities.
UMEDA cooperates with Mayors, municipalities & experts
Our mission is to greatly reduce time, friction, and cost for all our clients seeking to invest and operate in Ukraine. We aim to provide unprecedented level of expert support to all stakeholders, across industries and geographies, in any transaction that creates an economic activity at local levels that will lead to significant improvement of quality of life for the citizens of Ukraine.
Our focus are the needs and wants of our international clients. We developed a propriety “on-boarding” process. The process includes the following steps after engagement:
It is an iterative process that allows to adjust as more information is being gathered.
Based on information from step 1, we pre-qualify all local stakeholders (companies, agencies, induviduals) that will need to execute on its vision in Ukraine.
"Road Map" includes time, stakeholders engaged & milestones.
Budget will provide a budget estimate with +/- 10 margin of error rate for consideration and future adjustments.
Actionable items with assigned responsibilities is aligned with timetable of execution of each item.
If requested by client.
Of Combined Management Experience at all Levels of Government and Business.
We are here to serve Ukraine with the support of our international clients. We are driven not by our profits but by the success of our clients in Ukraine.
For more information about our services and how we can assist your organization, please contact us or explore our offerings.
Ever find yourself staring at your computer screen a good consulting slogan to come to mind? Oftentimes.
The Mayors’ Club and UMEDA signed a memorandum with the “AUU Analytical
Delivery of generators for the city of Trostyanets is the first step
Launch of the Matchmaking Platform for the twinning of European cities
Ever find yourself staring at your computer screen a good consulting slogan to come to mind? Oftentimes.