Events Information

  • Country:Ukraine
  • City: Kyiv
  • Date:November 8, 2024
  • Location:Kyiv
  • Type:Summit +Trade mission
  • Format:Hybrid (offline and online broadcast)

With the support of


Video broadcast of the Summit:






The international community stands in solidarity with Ukraine and is ready to invest in its economy. However, the main problem is the lack of well-prepared investment projects, especially for the reconstruction of affected communities. The summit aims to become a catalyst for the development of high-quality projects, where speakers and participants will form roadmaps for community recovery.

The event is a dynamic exchange of ideas, tools and experience aimed at forming concrete solutions for the recovery and economic development of communities.

Read the program of the All-Ukrainian Mayors Summit

The All-Ukrainian Mayors Summit will be a key event of the first international Trade Mission to Ukraine “REBIRTH OF UKRAINE” in the context of the revival and economic recovery of Ukraine.

Read more about the mission

The event is aimed at preparing and accumulating community and business projects aimed at the economic development of Ukraine through building effective cooperation between local governments and businesses and public-private partnerships.

This summit will become a catalyst for quality development projects, where speakers and participants interact and form roadmaps to quality recovery projects and innovative approaches to community development.

The All-Ukrainian Mayors Summit aims to create an annual platform for effective cooperation and development of strategic initiatives that will contribute to the sustainable growth and modernization of Ukrainian cities.

The key parts of the Summit will be:

1. The annual all-Ukrainian congress of the members of the Civic Club of Mayors, which has more than 600 members.

At the event, participants will have the opportunity to discuss with international experts and colleagues the three most relevant levers of local economic development:

✅ PPP: international experience and best practices of public-private partnership, potential projects in Ukraine

✅ Cluster economy: clusters, projects, experience, industrial clusters and parks

✅ Cooperation with business: tools for interaction and support, international cooperation – businesses entering Ukraine.

The detailed program is under development.

2. Pitch sessions of community and business projects

The Summit platform will be a unique opportunity for communities and businesses to practice their presentation and project pitches! A short speech and the right slides with key information are the key to attracting the necessary attention at all international events. And only experience can teach you to talk about the main thing and present only the main thing. Our goal is to prepare and select communities for future Trade Missions.

Pre-selected members of the patronage international delegation, which includes invited government officials, mayors of European cities, representatives of international business, associations, organizations and investment funds, will have a mission to evaluate projects and their presentations according to 10 indicators and provide practical recommendations to speakers to achieve maximum effectiveness.

3. IRS Architectural and Design Laboratory for the Restoration of Ukraine: Results and Awards of the Hackathon “100 Ideas for Cities” This innovative platform will bring together city leaders, strategists, visionaries, architects, youth and other social groups to discuss and plan concrete solutions for community restoration.

The audience of the event will include heads of Ukrainian communities and/or deputies (more than 200 are expected), MPs and government officials, representatives of business, international organizations and foundations, foreign embassies, architectural companies, educational institutions, Ukrainian and international associations, and regional development agencies. The number of participants is limited to 500 people.

The summit will be accompanied by the OPPORTUNITY UKRAINE exhibition, practical workshops, charity initiatives and concerts.

Terms of participation:

FREE and by invitation only after registration – for mayors, community representatives, authorities, development agencies, CCIs, relevant NGOs, embassies, international organizations.

TICKETS are already available on the Karabas partner’s website for business representatives, members of specialized associations, business clubs, visitors and others.

Sponsorship packages are available for review here

An accreditation form is available for media representatives at the following link

ALL participants, regardless of the form of participation, must register!

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