Клуб Мерів та UMEDA підписали меморандум з «Аналітичним центром АСУ» (Аграрний союз України)
The Mayors’ Club and UMEDA signed a memorandum with the “AUU Analytical
The Mayors’ Club and UMEDA signed a memorandum with the “AUU Analytical
Delivery of generators for the city of Trostyanets is the first step
Запуск Matchmaking Platform для побратимства європейських міст
Overview of The First All-Ukrainian Summit of Mayors “REBIRTH OF UKRAINE”
Memorandums of Cooperation have been signed between the Kyiv Regional Development Agency,
Petro Bahriy, co-founder of RSE, presented a strategy for the development of
The Mayors’ Club has officially announced its participation in the Horizon Europe
Memorandum signed between the Mayors’ Club and the Union of Builders of
Overview of the First Investment Congress On October 31, 2024,
Business after de-occupation Over 2.5 years into the full-scale war